A World of Neighbours is guided by a vision of conviviality. It is a key word that encapsulates the idea of mutual transformative relationships, leading to social cohesion and in the end peace. It also intrinsically conveys an expectation on the religious community.
“The idea of the session is to engage with this word and to invest it with our meaning and our practice and our wishes, said Aude Sathoud, moderating the conversation”, in her introduction.
Seeking conviviality
Invited to share their perspectives and experiences were Rebecca Lillian, rabbi in the Shir Hatzafon synagogue, Denmark, Rouddy Kimpioka the founder of RAD Music international on Lesbos, Amjid Khazir, founder and director of Mediacultured CIC, UK, all three migration practitioners within A World of Neighbours. The panel was also especially honoured to be joined by Tony Addy, Program Advisor Interdiac, International Academy for Diaconia and Social Action, who for more than ten years has been involved in the process called Seeking conviviality and who has written extensively on the matter.
Tony Addy started by giving a brief overview of the use of the word, first mentioning the period of Spanish history from the Muslim Umayyad conquest of Spain in the early eighth century until the expulsion of the Jews in 1492. This period in time was named la convivencia by the philologist Américo Castro, because of the terms of coexistence between Jews, Muslims and Christians at this point in history.