
Invest in the 20 percent, influence the 80 percent

A World of Neighbours is the largest network for practitioners working with and for people on the move in Europe. By supporting us you can directly interact with and empower the work of people on the frontlines of accompaniment and serve people on the move.

We are enormously grateful for the generosity of our donors, and we seek to ensure that you, too, will benefit from the relationship with AWoN.


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Click on the donate button or scan the QR-code below to donate money with your Paypal account or credit card.

bank account

A World of Neighbours Foundation is seated in the Netherlands. Donations can be directed to this account:

A World of Neighbours Stichting
Cabralstraat 1, 1057 CD
The Netherlands
NL94 BUNQ 2080 4814 36

our promise

A World of Neighbours (AWoN) relies on the generous support of donors to carry out our work. We pledge to treat donors with respect, honesty and openness, to embody in our relationship with our generous supporters the same principles we embody in our work on the ground.

As an organisation with partners, members and supporters across dozens of countries and legal frameworks, we recognize the complicated nature of international philanthropy. We commit to being accountable and transparent so that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in AWoN.