The poet and human rights activist Parwana Amiri happened to be in Prague just as Petr Sobalík had planned a poetry session. Both of them are AWoN practitioners.
Petr Sobalík leads the Doma project, which organises activities to help newcomers meet new friends, learn the language, find jobs, and most importantly, feel at home in the Czech Republic.
A medium for political commentary
Every Thursday afternoon, they meet at the community center, Žižkostel Church, for Czech conversations or to invite a guest.
“We had planned a meeting with the Czech poet Monika Hojná and Ukrainian refugee Michail Aivaz, who also writes poems. When I learned that Parwana was in Prague, it was a special occasion to invite her,” Petr Sobalík says.
Throughout history, art has served as a powerful medium for social and political commentary. From Picasso’s “Guernica” to Banksy’s street art critiquing contemporary social issues, art transcends language and cultural barriers to deliver impactful messages.