Home Groups

The Heart of Our Community

Home Groups are at the core of our community of practice. Practitioners continuously operate under conditions of high stress, significant emotional overload, and minimal resources.

Reports suggest that working in the migration field is associated with a higher risk of compassion fatigue, a topic that has not been researched sufficiently. Understanding the factors that increase the risk of compassion fatigue will allow more effective prevention and intervention.

Peer support, such as that provided by the Home Groups, may lower the risk of compassion fatigue and burnout.

Home Groups runs twice a year. It is a 15-week program, bringing together a new mix of members each round. By collaborating with different people, we foster diverse relationships and perspectives, strengthening the bonds within our network.

what our members say

building bonds and support

The key goals of Home Groups are:

  • Welcoming new members into the network through the collective effort of the community.
  • Creating small groups and one-on-one connections to promote cooperation, collaborative learning, and mutual mental, spiritual, and professional support.
  • Providing a space for deepening and sharing the AWoN vision with each practitioner, both new and established.


online Group meetings and one-on-one calls

Home Groups meet online as a group once a month to share visions, discuss best practices, and offer support to one another.

In between group meetings, participants engage in one-on-one calls, helping to build stronger, more personal connections within the network.

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