An Iraqi refugee who survived the genocide and a political refugee from Belarus co-founded the which has become an internationally recognized platform for providing housing for war refugees.
– I am a person who was born in war, grew up in famine, experienced genocide, lost colleagues and friends and I believe that the only hope for my survival is to help those who, like me, have gone through difficult circumstances. The goal of is to find solidarity housing for refugees from Ukraine. We focused on Europe, but after we started working, we found that housing was offered all over the world, says Farhad Shamo Roto, Yazidi from Iraq who today lives in France and is the founder of Voice of Ezidis.
Many people willing to help
– We built this platform in three days and you know, it was incredible. And then we received like hundreds, and thousands of requests from people willing to help to host people from Ukraine. People published their ads on our website, and 3.000 families already found their home through our website, says Nick Antipov, a Belarusian LGBTQ activist and the co-founder of the organization MAKEOUT, living in Berlin.